Showing posts with label World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World. Show all posts

Thursday 16 March 2017

How To Track Your Car/Belongings Using Your Smartphone

Tiny Device Allows You To Track Your Car Using Your Smartphone

Have you ever lost your car on a parking lot? It happens. You park and go shopping. When you get back, you don't have a clue where your car is. Then you start roaming around clicking on the panic button on your car keys so the alarm goes off. It can be frustrating, especially on a hot, sunny day.

No, you don't need to install an expensive GPS system to keep track of your car. That's way too expensive. You would need to pay a monthly subscription fee just to use it.

                                   The device "TrackR" has the size of a coin and can be placed everywhere

But is there a way to track your vehicle without spending a fortune? Yes, now there is!
A California-based startup company was able to make this a reality. They created a tiny device that works with your smartphone, and it could be exactly what you're looking for!

What is it?

It's called TrackR. It is a state-of-the-art tracking device the size of a quarter. It's changing the way we keep track of the important things in our lives.
                              With TrackR you'll gain peace of mind, knowing you can find your car quickly.

How Does it Work?

It's easy! Install the free TrackR app on your smartphone, connect the app to your device and you're ready to go! Simply attach TrackR to whatever you want to keep tabs on. The entire process of setting it up only takes 5 minutes or less.
You can attach it to your keys, briefcase, wallet, your latest tech gadgets and anything else you don't want to lose. Then use the TrackR app to locate your missing item in seconds.
Forget expensive GPS systems or tracking services. Nobody wants to pay expensive monthly subscription fees. We understand how stressful these things can be, and this is the reason why TrackR was created. This device is your VIP when you need to take care of more important things in life.
Remember the car scenario above? If you have the TrackR, you can just hide it under your car's floor mat, in the trunk or in the glove compartment. Somewhere it won't be found if your car gets stolen.
If you forget where you parked your car, whip out your smartphone and open the TrackR app. Tap on the "lost item" icon on the screen and the app will tell you the exact coordinates of the last known location of the TrackR.

How Much is it Going To Cost Me?

You're probably thinking that this device is very expensive... False! TrackR only costs $29/#12000! That's a small price to pay for peace of mind, isn't it?

Where can I buy TrackR?

You can buy it directly from the company's website. They ship worldwide and you'll receive your TrackR within a ~week.
Watch The Video Below To See How TrackR Works:

What else can I do with TrackR?

As we said before, TrackR has unlimited possibilities. The device is small and unobtrusive enough that you can attach it to your pet. Put it on their collar, and the issue of searching for them as they scamper off to nearby places will be over! Attach it to your keys and wallet, and never waste a minute rummaging the whole house for it.
TrackR even comes with a double-sided adhesive so you can stick it to your laptop or under your bike seat. Track down and punish the thieves who steal your expensive things!
Attach it to everything that's important to you!
              With over 3.5 Million units sold worldwide, this is the most affordable solution to trackr your items.

Step by step instructions on how to use Trackr

Now that you are aware of the potential of this curious device, all you need to do is to follow these 3 steps:
1. Get Trackr from the manufacturer website. You’ll get it delivered to your home in about 1 week.
2. Link Trackr with your Smartphone (iPhone or Android) and place it next to the object you don’t want to lose.
3. Download the free app and always have in hand the location of your belongings. As Simple As That!

How to Take Your Business Online and Work for Yourself

For entrepreneurs who are looking to start their own businesses, it's not enough to have a bustling storefront—you need to be able to supplement your sales by building a strong presence online. The internet not only widens the net of your potential customers, a digital identity has become a way of validating and informing what a store has to offer.
E-commerce is a competitive space to navigate: Online real estate is crowded, and there's no shortage of other businesses vying for the same attention on Google. That means not only do your online operations need to run seamlessly, your understanding of digital marketing needs to be sophisticated. But starting your online business doesn't need to mean going into debt earning your MBA.
If you're interested in kick-starting your online business or even just a temporary side hustle, check out online options like The Build Your Web Business Bundle. It includes courses on how to successfully run a business from your home and how to get started developing your own website. This bundle even offers a course breaking down the steps to launch and is your best bet for a comprehensive set of lessons that cover it all. 


Marketing is essential to supporting your digital store's growth. You can start digging into the fundamentals of Facebook Ads, SEO and more with The Marketer's Growth & Acquisition Bundle. It offers key lessons on managing a social online presence to earn customers.  

Internet Marketplaces

If you're looking for something with a little lower commitment, check out The Internet Marketplace Entrepreneur Bundle—it teaches you how to use e-commerce sites already in place (Amazon, eBay and more) to start building your online store. 


And of course you don't really know yourself (or your business) without understanding the money behind it—The Complete Finance & Economics Bundle helps you discover macro and micro financial drivers that affect your purchasing and investing decisions. 

10 Creepiest Abandoned Places on Earth

1. Underwater Lost City Shicheng, China

Fifty-seven years ago, the Xin’an River Hydropower Station trapped the 1,300-year-old Chinese city of Shicheng (Lions City) under water. It was named Lion City after 5 Lion Mountain risen largely behind it. It is truly an astonishing sight. The city stands preserved from destructive forces of erosion, like sun, wind and rain, beneath the Qiandao Lake, so it were almost untouched and managed to stay in pretty good condition. Archeologists call it a “virtual time capsule”, but if you wanna open it, you’ll have to get some scuba gear.
2. Danvers State Insane Asylum
Bet, this time, you’re positive the exteriors for the 2nd season of the AHS: Asylum were filmed in this creepy place. Nope. Wrong again! Danvers State Hospital in Massachusetts has gone by many names; it’s been variously known as the Danvers Insane Asylum, State Lunatic Hospital, even Hell House on the Hill and other such lovely monikers. During its heyday in the 20s and 30s there were controversies over its given out the use of drugs, shock therapy and lobotomies – as a matter of fact, it may have been the birthplace of lobotomy. Eventually, Danvers transformed into unsanitary and equally dangerous place for both the patients and staff. And since its closure it has fallen into a state of despair and severe creepiness. Beware, as it’s one of the most violently haunted asylums in the world.
3. Hotel del Salto — San Antonio del Tequendama, Colombia
No, it’s not the set of American Horror Story: Hotel, even though La Casa del Salto del Tequendama does have a past twisted enough to shoot a movie. It was built up in 1923 and named the Hotel del Santo in the 50s. Picturesque location alongside the Tequendama waterfalls in central Colombia attracted many travelers. A few decades later the level of river pollution caused the hotel’s abandonment. Recently it has been changed into a museum, though. And still, the creepiest part remains the same; many believe that this place is haunted since it was known during its prime time as a site for numerous suicide cases.
4. Pripyat, Ukraine

An abandoned city, located in northern Ukraine, once bustled with almost 500,000 residents is now a radioactive ghost town over-run by nature. In 1986, Pripyat became a ground zero for the deadliest nuclear disaster in history when an ‘accident’ destroyed a reactor and caused deadly radiation to spread throughout the city. The levels of radiation remain too high for people to live there again though it’s safe for tourist to visit. The city will stay abandoned forever, as that much radiation won’t vanish for hundreds of years.
5. House of the Bulgarian Communist Party — Mount Buzludzha, Bulgaria

The Buzludzha monument or the ‘House-Monument of the Bulgarian Communist Party’ used to be a wonder back in the day. Opened in 1981, it served as a symbolic meeting point for the communist regime. But with the fall of the Soviet Union in less than a decade later it went into disrepair; now abandoned, this huge concrete building looks like an alien ship. The extreme location of this otherworldly monument, on Mount Buzludzha, puts it in the path of severe storms, ravaging winds and harsh winters. The outer windows were the first to go, escorted by the most of the metal-tiled roof, which is why the plans are being made to restore it.
6. Kolmanskop, Namibia

Kolmanskop is one of the most famous haunting ghost towns in the world. It is located in the Namib Desert and was founded in the 1900s when first diamond was found in the sand. Within a few years, hundreds of German families set up homes here desperately seeking their fortune. Year by year it has been turning into bustling oasis which had to be abandoned to the wind and sand within just 50 years. Run-down buildings are falling apart, and their insides are filled with sand from the surrounding desert. The remains of Kolmanskop work as a magnet for ghost hunters, which is why De Beers Company set a museum to keep the town in somewhat decent shape and preserve the history of Kolmanskop.
7. Sanzhi UFO Houses, Taiwan

Other-worldly appearance and wacky architecture of these saucer-like houses made them widely known as Sanzhi UFO houses the mysterious “ruins of the future”. Sanzhi Pod City became abandoned two years after it was built. This resort complex was built in 1978 in Taiwan. In 2 years due to some investment issues and other financial losses, the project was abandoned and left to the mercy of time. Sanzhi Pod City managed to find its way onto various A-lists of eerie ghost towns though and even has been used by MTV as a filming location.
8. Red Sands Sea Forts, the United Kingdom

These huge metal Maunsell gun towers were originally constructed in 1943 during the Second World War to protect Britain from the German Navy. The bizarre-looking concrete monsters are named after Guy Maunsell, the engineer that designed them. Some of the towers survived to this day after they were decommissioned and left abandoned in the 50s. A few of them are still standing out as sea, remarkable as ever. Even though their lives weren’t rather long, these forts are outstanding relics of 2WW architectural history.
9. Mirny Diamond Mine – Eastern Siberia, Russia
The second largest excavated hole in the world- Mirny was made by Stalin, who desperately wanted a more independent economy for the USSR. It was the 1st and the largest diamond mine in the Soviet Union. The Mir mine also known as Mirny mine is now inactive after 44 years of surface operation. The mine is 1,722 ft deep and has a diameter of 3,900 ft. It started to develop in 1957. Climate conditions were extremely harsh to mine: 7 winter month of frozen ground vs. brief summer month of the slush-turned ground. And yet Mir mine was producing 10,000,000 carats of diamond/year in the 60s.
10. The Haunting New Bedford Orpheum -U.S.A.

Not only is April 15, 1912, a significant day because of the Auditorium opening, but also it happened to be the day the Titanic sunk. It functioned as the Orpheum for 47 years. This once-mighty theatre space was used to entertain the immense audiences. Since the New Bedford Orpheum closed its doors in 1959, part of the building became a supermarket ant then a warehouse. Sadly today, it remains completely abandoned, and still it never fails to impress, though.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

How to Handle Rejection like an Actor

The difference between actors and other working professionals is that they usually spend more time looking for their next job than actually working one. They get a lot more practice with rejection than your average worker, which means we may able to learn a thing or two from them.

Don't Take It Personally

No matter what business you're in, taking rejection personally is a bad road to go down. Not only will you start to hold a grudge toward the people that didn't hire you, but you'll also start to put yourself down. Nothing is more harmful than you telling yourself that you're not good enough.
If you're rejected for a job, remember that rejection isn't about you as a person. At the Backstage blog, Secret Agent Man explains that rejection can be caused by a number of things:
If a casting director doesn't give you a callback, she might be rejecting a choice you made in the room. Or maybe you're too young for the part. Or too old. It could be anything, but I'll tell you what it's not. It's not you. The casting director doesn't think you're a despicable human being who shouldn't be allowed to grace her precious set. She's just making a choice. And the same is true for guys like me. Agents pass on actors for all kinds of reasons. The quality of your soul is rarely one of them.
Interviews are just like auditions, and sometimes you're just not right for the part. When it comes to your romantic life, remember that while rejection may hurt, it's preventing you from being in a relationship with a compatibility problem. Both parties need to be interested for anything good to really happen, so if you get turned down, move on to the next audition. If you keep going out for roles, you'll eventually land one.

Change Your Perception

Even when you start to get used to rejection, it can still sting. It sucks to get told no, but if you can find a way look at your rejection differently, you'll have a much easier time. George Clooney is a household name these days, but was once a rejection-riddled actor, barely getting by. That is until he started to change his perspective.
In The Obstacle Is the Way, author Ryan Holiday talks about the simple, yet effective alteration Clooney made to his mindset:
He wanted the producers and directors to like him, but they didn't and it hurt and he blamed the system for not seeing how good he was. This perspective should sound familiar. It's the dominant viewpoint for the rest of us on job interviews, when we pitch clients, or try to connect with an attractive stranger in a coffee shop... Everything changed for Clooney when he tried a new perspective. He realized that casting is an obstacle for producers, too—they need to find somebody, and they're all hoping that the next person to walk in the room is the right somebody. Auditions were a chance to solve their problems, not his.
With a new mindset, rejection can be something very different to you. Not only will you be able to walk into an interview or up to an attractive stranger with confidence, but if it doesn't work out, you can just remind yourself that you weren't able to solve their problem. Everything is just an opportunity to solve a problem, and you can either solve it or you can't. That's all there is to it.

Prepare for Your Next Audition

Even with a new approach, rejection can still hurt a little, and that's okay. If you need to feel down for a little bit, do it. Get those feelings out instead of bottling them up, but don't dwell too long. Once you're ready, do a quick post-mortem, and, as actress Jules Bausch at The Muse explains, look at the good and the bad:
I went home, and after I made a list of everything I did correctly, I made a list of everything I didn't do correctly. I was really honest with myself (without being too harsh) about where I could have improved and specific areas that I needed to work on for the next audition. Mistakes are part of being human. They are part of who we are and are integral to our learning process. And keeping a list of those mistakes will help you learn from them and make you a better actor in the process. Chalk each rejection up to building a wealth of knowledge about how to attack the next audition.
Go over what went right and what went wrong, then let it go. It's also important to manage your expectations. Getting the job, snagging the role, or landing the date can be unlikely depending on the circumstances. If you're not qualified for a position or taking a shot in the dark with a stranger, it's best not to get your hopes up. Know the roles you're capable of playing and don't beat yourself up when you don't end up a leading lady or man.
While you're preparing for your next shot at the limelight, use your past rejections as a motivator. Carry yourself with confidence and keep your mind on the next audition. Do the prep work and focus forward. Failure to accept the reality of rejection means a career that's dead in the water, and that can be said to some extent for any job field or other parts of life. Brush yourself off, soldier on, and walk into that next "audition" like you've never been told no before.

Champions League recap: Managers in focus as Barcelona create history, Arsenal repeat it

A football manager was seen on the field on Wednesday night, jumping, running around, celebrating the goal by getting down into a ground huddle with the players and the fans. No, it wasn’t the vibrant Chelsea boss Antonio Conte. It was Barcelona manager Luis Enrique.
Something clicked in the Spaniard- who often remains calm, composed, is not known to be too close to his players and has never cared about politics that comes with being associated with the Catalans. Sergi Roberto had just scored a 95th minute winner against PSG at Nou Camp, ensuring the club’s survival in European Champions League by winning the game 6-1 (6-5 on aggregate). It was in this moment, Enrique let go of all his emotions in one go, and let himself enjoy this unforgettable record. “I was brought to my knees,” he said after the match.
After weeks of ups-and-downs, it was about time Enrique etched another record to his name for the club. The manager was criticised after Barcelona went down 4-0 in the first leg of the Round of 16 fixture against PSG at Parc des Princes. In spite of club booking a final against Deportivo Alaves in Copa del Rey, the side was not finding the right footing in La Liga. The tough La Liga fixture against Leganes, in which Barca won from a last minute penalty by Lionel Messi, was the final straw for the manager who won the treble in his first year in-charge at the club. Two games later, Barcelona reached top of the table in the competition, after which Enrique announced he will be departing from the club. “I need to rest,” he said.
Enrique, who is regarded as a “legend” by club president Josep Maria Bartomeu, realised what his predecessor Pep Guardiola said long time back – “four years is as long a manager can be at Barcelona”. Just like Guardiola, the current Manchester City manager, who took a year-long sabbatical after stepping down as Barcelona manager in 2012, the physical and mental toll that comes along with the job, played down heavily on Enrique and the manager perhaps decided he rather retire as a “hero” than stay at the club and become a “villain”.
The historic comeback victory at the Nou Camp against PSG was perhaps the final battle in Enrique’s path. He knew his legacy will be defined if his club’s Champions League dreams could remain alive. In the first 50 minutes, the Blaugrana put three goals in the back of the net, making fans believe that they can achieve the impossible. 12 minutes later, Barca’s hopes were hurt when Edinson Cavani scored with a half volley, taking the aggregate to 5-3, with an added advantage of an away goal. It meant Barcelona needed three clear goals to win or else they will bid early farewell to European Championship in Enrique’s final year at the club.
The real drama unfolded in the final seven minutes when two quick goals in succession from Neymar, one coming from the penalty, rejuvenated the fans at the stadium. PSG defenders failed to contain the situation in the dying minutes of the game. A 95th minute free kick proved to be the kill shot for PSG, as Roberto scored from a controlled finish to register his first goal in months and gave Barcelona another lifeline in the tournament. Since the Champions League format started in 1992-1993, it was the biggest comeback victory in history by any club. “I don’t think anyone stopped believing. After seeing them sit back despite the goal, the team were incredible,” Enrique said.
The tables meanwhile turned on PSG boss Unai Emery, who now is facing questions regarding his future at the club. Emery admitted after the game that they made some tactical errors in the game against Barcelona. Benching the hero of the first leg Angel Di Maria was perhaps the biggest mistake by the Spaniard. But, in spite of his admission, Emery was unable to prevent himself from being trolled on the internet and from fans asking for his resignation. In one night, Emery saw himself being turned into a “villain”, and some even compared him to the struggling Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger.
“Wenger Out”, demands Arsenal fans at Emirates
Even before the second leg between Arsenal and Bayern Munich got underway, the fans at the stadium started chanting “Wenger out” and there were plenty of placards outside calling for the Frenchman to move on. In 10 years, without a single trophy other than FA Cup, Wenger has alienated majority of his fan base at the stadium, and many wonder why the French manager is continuing to bear the humiliation from fans and not announce his departure.
The Champions League fixture proved to be another nail in Wenger’s coffin (or final?), as Bayern repeated history by bidding farewell to familiar English rivals. The Gunners drew the German club for the third time in last four years, and much like previous years, Bayern found themselves on the winning side of things. The Carlo Ancelotti side beat Wenger’s boys by 5-1 yet again, as they recorded an aggregate of 10-2, the second biggest aggregate defeat in UCL history (only after Bayern Munich 12-1 Sporting CP in 2009).
Wenger saw himself becoming the “villain” as angry fans went into a protest fixture across the streets of London right after the humiliating defeat. After 20 years, perhaps the 67-year old manager has extended his stay at the club. Unlike his Manchester United counterpart, Alex Ferguson, who won the Premiere League trophy in his final year at the club, and left as a “hero”, Wenger’s ouster from the club is becoming a heated affair, with the manager refusing to bow down, even after string of bad results. He was right when he said his future at the club seems not too bright.

La Liga Recap: Air Ramos takes Real Madrid to top; Barcelona brought back to earth

“This is right about the time the Ultras start chanting for Sergio Ramos on a goal – and there it is! Right on cue!” These were the words spoken by Match Day Show’s English commentator in the 81st minute during Real Madrid’s fixture against Real Betis at Santiago Bernabeu. It was a similar situation for the Zinedine Zidane side which they have faced quite so often this season. The team trailing- the fans cheering- and all they need is one goal to save the game. And just like before, it was Captain Sergio Ramos to the rescue.
For the seventh time this season, Madrid’s “superhero” headed the ball back into the net from a Toni Kroos’ corner – it was his 10th goal of the season- to save his side from a difficult position. Barcelona lost three point against 17th placed Deportivo Alaves, on the back of a historic comeback against PSG in the Champions League. The shocking 2-1 loss for Luis Enrique’s side, against lowly opponents, had given the perfect opportunity to Los Blancos to regain the top position in the table.
But Real’s goalkeeper Keylor Navas’, who has been leaking goals from past few games, and is clearly low on confidence, ruined the chance for Zidane’s side to ease past Betis. The fumble at the goalpost saw the Chilean scoring an own goal in the 24th minute and giving the away side an early lead. “That is part of the game, there can be mistakes, like with everyone. And in the end he saved us the three points,” Zidane defended Navas’ performance yet again in the post match conference, but it clearly looks Real need to invest in a goalkeeper in the summer window transfer. It took a Cristiano Ronaldo header in the 41st minute to bring the game to equal terms before half time.
In the second half, the home side started strong, with James Rodrigues, Ronaldo, Alvaro Morata and Lucas Vazquez all finding chances to score a goal, though all failing in their attempts. But a corner in the last 10 minutes proved to be a lifeline when Ramos, who has been on a roll this season in terms of goals, found pocket of space in between Betis’ back four and headed it past former Real Betis keeper Antonio Adan, to win and take the team back top with 62 points. “It annoys many people [that we are top]. But that is normal. We are Madrid and can annoy many people,” Zidane said after the game.
The manager needs to figure out if there is a need to further increase Ramos’ wages since he has been serving as an extra attacker for the side. It was the third time this season, when the central defender had saved his side with a late header. He did so against Barcelona in December and then repeated it with an injury time header in the very next game against Deportivo La Coruna. Just three years ago, it was Ramos’ extra time header against Atletico Madrid that saved the European Championship final for Los Blancos. The defender has become an added asset for Madrid in the front, and if Real has to win the League title, Ramos could prove to be a key player.

What goes wrong with referees in Spain?
Just few days after the German referee Deniz Aytekin courted controversy for awarding two penalties to Barcelona in the Champions League, spoiling the celebrations of the massive comeback victory for Luis Enrique’s men, the referees again made huge blunders in Real’s fixture. In 22nd minute, Betis’ midfielder Drako Brasanac found himself going one-on-one against Navas just few yards away from the goal. But the two-time Copa America winning goalkeeper upended the run by a meaty tackle on Brasanac’s legs. For what seemed like a clear red-card, the referee signaled no foul and waved on to continue the game.
If that was not all, Ronaldo’s goal from a tremendous chip in the 73rd minute was disallowed by linesman for offside. The replay clearly showed the Portuguese forward behind the defence line before making the run.
Instances of false calls by referees have become a common sight in Spain, especially in big matches. While some football fans troll Barcelona to be in league with Spanish referees, others say referees in Spain are “blind”. Barcelona after losing their match by 2-1 against Deportivo La Coruna were critcised with many saying that the Catalans cannot win without referees’ support.
Instances like these spoil the sport of football, especially when they occur in big matches. Football organisations such as UEFA, FIFA and others need to address the issue and ensure only worthy and unbiased contenders are employed for officiating in big matches.

Manchester United charged with failing to control their players by FA

Manchester United has been charged by the English Football Association after its players harangued referee Michael Oliver following the sending-off of Ander Herrera during the team’s FA Cup loss to Chelsea.
United’s players were unhappy when Herrera received a second yellow card in the 35th minute for fouling Chelsea winger Eden Hazard. The score was 0-0 at that stage and United went on to lose 1-0 in the quarterfinal match at Stamford Bridge on Monday.
The FA said Tuesday that United has been charged with “failing to control their players.”
United has until Friday to respond to the charge.

Google doodle marks 140 years Test cricket with playful sketch

In an era of T20 cricket, many may have sounded the death knell for Test matches, the longest format of the popular sport, but for aficionados it is still the format in which they see classical sportsmanship. And while several of us may have seen countless Test matches, cheering our home teams, not many would have spared a thought to wonder when the first match of this kind was played.
Well, giving us this little nugget of information, the guys over at the Google doodle team have come up with a fun imagery that commemorates the first officially recognised Test cricket match that took place today between the established English side and a newly formed Australian team. The match was played between March 15 and 19 at the iconic Melbourne Cricket Ground, in which Australia won by 45 runs. But England won the second match to draw the series at 1:1. The rivalry between the English and Australian teams, forged on the field, endures to this day.
According to the official statement, “Today’s Doodle hits the deck with a lighthearted rendering that captures the spirit of sportsmanship and the inaugural test match. Mustachioed and musclebound, the batsmen, bowlers and opposition fielders spring into action, never losing sight of the red ball.”
Interestingly, though, going by the representational map provided by Google, the reach of the doodle is restricted to India and Australia, excluding even England, which was one of the teams to actually play that first match back in 1877.

Leicester in the Champions League quarter-finals: The miracle goes on

Leicester City added a new layer to their amazing story by knocking out Sevilla in the Champions League. These players should never be written off again, writes Adam Bate.
Real Madrid and Barcelona are there. Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund too. Juventus joined them in the quarter-finals on Tuesday evening. Five clubs, European Cup winners one and all with 24 triumphs between them. They are joined in the last eight by Leicester City.
Last year's miracle men, the team one win clear of the Premier League relegation zone, did for dark horses Sevilla on yet another crazy night at the King Power. "This is the greatest night in Leicester City's history," former Foxes striker Tony Cottee told Sky Sports. 

‘Let’s make peace bridge between India and Pak’: 11-year-old Pakistani girl’s letter to PM Modi is going viral

Congratulating Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) historic mandate in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elections, an eleven year old Pakistani school girl wrote to him saying that he should now focus towards winning more hearts of Indians and Pakistanis alike, by becoming a bridge of peace between the two nations.
In her letter, Aqeedat Naveed highlighted on the need for peace between India and Pakistan, and said that Prime Minister Modi can help speed up the process, reports DunyaNews.
“Once my father told me that winning of hearts is a marvelous job. Perhaps you have won the hearts of Indian people, therefore you won the election in UP. But I must tell you if you want to win more Indian and Pakistani hearts, you should take steps towards friendship and peace. Both countries need good relation. Let’s make a peace bridge between India and Pakistan. Let’s decide that we will not buy bullets, will buy books. We will not buy the guns, will buy the medicine for the poor people,” Aqeedat wrote in the two page letter.
She further emphasized that the choice between peace and conflict lies open for both the nations, and signed off by congratulating the Prime Minister for the UP Polls victory.
The fifth grader, who hails from Lahore, had earlier written a letter to Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj as well on the matter of peace and has also received several responses from officials in New Delhi.

Good News!! Naira Gains In All Foreign Currencies (Read)

The Naira on Monday appreciated on all segments of the foreign exchange market.
Naira gained three points to exchange at N460, from N463 posted on Friday, while the Pound Sterling and the Euro closed at N550 and 476, respectively.
At the Bureau De Change (BDC) window, the Naira was sold at N399 to a dollar, CBN controlled rate, while the Pound Sterling and the Euro traded at N547 and N482, respectively.
Trading on the floor of the interbank market saw the Naira closed at N306.00 to a dollar.
Traders at the market expressed delight in the interventions the CBN had made so far in boosting liquidity, adding that its sustenance would turn the economy around in the short to medium term.
The CBN has intervened at the forex market with an excess of 1.4 billion dollars in boosting liquidity at the market.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Barca Vs PSG Match Could Be Replayed As Online Petition Hits Over 200,000 Signatures

Heavy pressure is currently being mounted on UEFA for the replay of the Barca-PSG Champions league encounter which recorded controversial incidents.
A petition demanding that Barcelona’s Champions League second leg match with PSG be replayed has garnered over 200,000 signatures online according to a recent update by as at 10:11am, 13th of March, 2017 – Nigerian time.
Barcelona overcame a four-goal deficit from the first leg in Paris to triumph 6-1 in the Nou Camp and book their place in the quarter-finals of the Champions League.
The match, which saw Barcelona score three goals in the last five minutes, was hailed as ‘the greatest comeback in football history’ as Sergi Roberto’s stoppage time finish capped off a miraculous performance.
But one Real Madrid fan has demanded the tie be replayed due to the performance of referee, Deniz Aytekin. Aytekin was heavily criticised for his performance in the Nou Camp after he gave two controversial penalties for Barcelona and turning down PSG’s appeals for a spot-kick when Javier Mascherano slid in on Angel Di Maria.
Real Madrid fan, Luis Melendo Olmedo, has set up the petition on and has asked that Uefa strike the result from the record.
Olmedo cites “incidents that seriously damaged PSG as a result of the German referee Deniz Aytekin, who gave Barcelona an advantage with his refereeing decisions” as the inspiration behind the petition.
Barcelona defender Javier Mascherano admitted he had fouled Di Maria in the penalty area with the Argentine closing in on goal.

    “I made contact with Di MarĂ­a. It’s obvious it was a foul. I’m not going to lie about it,” he told Spanish newspaper AS.

Despite the number of people who have already signed the petition, the absence of any such appeal from PSG means there is no prospect of UEFA ordering an unprecedented replay.
Barcelona’s hopes of winning La Liga were dealt a devastating blow on Sunday evening as they fell to a 2-1 defeat to 17th placed Deportivo La Coruna.
Luis Enrique was forced to make five changes to the team that beat PSG on Wednesday as Alex Bergantinos’s 74th minute goal was enough to consign the defending champions to a shock defeat.
The result leaves Barcelona one point clear of Real Madrid at the top of the table, but Zinedine Zidane’s side have two games in hand and will replace their rivals as La Liga leaders with a victory on Sunday evening.

Hackers Versus Cyber Criminals: Know the Difference

People are often confused between two terms: hackers and cyber criminals. In this article, I’m sharing a video that tells you the difference between these two.
Cyber crime occurs when breaking into the private worlds of people, these bad hackers start to misuse the information for their own benefit and loss of others. The story of hacking and cyber crime goes back to early 1950s when some phone freaks, commonly known as “phreaks”, started hijacking world’s phone networks and making long-distance calls.
A report sponsored by the security firm McAfee estimates the annual damage to the global economy due to cyber crimes at $445 billion and near about $1.5 billion was lost in the year 2012 due to online debit and credit card fraud in the US.
According to me, there are two types of hackers: good hackers and bad hackers. The bad hackers are the ones who commit cyber crime.  Here’s a video that shows how Darren Kitchen, a hacker and the host of tech show Hak5, tells how hacking is different from cyber crime:

Insane Robot Solves Rubik’s Cube In “Just 0.637 Seconds”, Breaks Guinness World Record

The Guinness World Record has recently confirmed that the Sub1 Reloaded robot is the new world record holder for solving the Rubik’s Cube in just 0.637 seconds. This happened at an event organized by a German self-driving chip maker Infineon whose microcontroller helped the robot arrange the sides of the cube in the correct order. Last year, a robot named Sub1 Reload solved the famous Rubik’s Cube puzzle in just 0.637 seconds at an event organized by a German company Infineon, a self-driving car chip maker. Since then, it was expected that the robot would set a new Guinness World Record by breaking its own existing record of 0.887 seconds.

10 Highly Useful 3D Printed Things That Can Make Your Life Buttery Smooth

It’s the current decade when we have started to see 3D printed things more often. Just like the Jetsons, soon, we might be testing 3D printed pizzas and hotdogs. In fact, people have already developed the first versions of such food throwing machines.
Meanwhile, you wait for such a future to come, you might want to take a look at some of the 3D printed things that can be very useful in your daily life. Here it begins:

1. Earbud Holder – removes tangle from your life


Read more about this 3D print.

2. This “can holder” ain’t nuke


Read more about this 3D print.

3. A trash bag hook for your car, don’t make it filthy


Read more about this 3D print.

4. I don’t know why I forget the straw every time. Now, I have got this glass


Read more about this 3D print.

5. This helps if you don’t have a beer mug


Read more about this 3D print.

 6. Cutting vegetables sucks when you aren’t a pro. This one is a serious helper.


Read more about this 3D print.

7. Open the bottle cap like a boss


Read more about this 3D print.

8. They are so tiny; I always end up losing them


Read more about this 3D print.


9. Thanks


 Read more about this 3D print.

10. A flashlight that takes power from water, and I’m serious


Read more about this 3D print.

 Read full article @






Google Wants To Become The Best Search Engine For Programming Languages

Back in April 2016,  Bing implemented the executable snippet feature in its search results. It made it easier for the programmers to look for code and make changes to it right in the search engine results page.
Earlier this month, Google received a minor update that will make the search experience of programmers even better. As a result of these changes, now the search queries with sequences of 2-3 special characters (== vs === OR +=) will give results on the basis of the meaning of these sequences in programming languages.

In its blog post, Google mentions that if you’ll search for C++17, you won’t get the results of c17, the famous Boeing airplane. Instead, you’ll get the results from the programming world. Similarly, looking up for product and company names with punctuation, like Notepad++ and She++, will produce more accurate search engine results.
With this update, Google has taken one more step to become the best search resource for programmers. Google promises to bring some more improvements in near future.
Did you find this change in Google search interesting? Don’t forget to share your views with us.

Who Is A Hacker? Mark Zuckerberg Explains In His Letter From The Past

The term ‘hacker’ has always been viewed in a negative context among the general public. The contribution of the media can’t be denied in portraying a hacker as a person who does evil things. Recently, I came across the Founder’s Letter, 2012 which Mark Zuckerberg shared on his timeline. 2012 was the year when Facebook went public.
 Zuckerberg also acknowledges the fact that the term hacker has an “unfairly negative connotation” from being tagged as a person who trespasses into people’s machines.
“In reality, hacking just means building something quickly or testing the boundaries of what can be done,” Zuckerberg said.
“Like most things, it can be used for good or bad, but the vast majority of hackers I’ve met tend to be idealistic people who want to have a positive impact on the world.”
The understanding of the word ‘hacker’ has changed from being an isolated guy — sitting on a computer, sneaking into people’s lives or stealing confidential data — to the one trying to get things done quickly and efficiently.
According to Zuckerberg, hacking is an “inherently hands-on and active discipline.” Hackers will first build a prototype of an idea to see if it works rather than figuring out its success possibilities. They focus on chunks, working on smaller iterations. Eventually, product or service becomes better over time. And to do that, Facebook has a testing framework where thousands of Facebook versions can be checked at a given time.
Another hacker trait is an “extremely open and meritocratic” mindset. The attention should be paid to the outcome, the idea, instead of the people who gave it. Facebook conducts hackathons to nourish this open thinking.
The different prototype ideas submitted during hackathons are collectively looked upon. Various popular products like the timeline, chat, videos, HipHop, etc. sprung out of such internal brainstorming events.
All of that said can be assumed as one positive picture of a hacker. As far as the negative versions are concerned, some people feel more comfortable calling them crackers. The hacker culture Zuckerberg believes has been in existence for the last few decades.
The hacker culture Zuckerberg believes has been in existence for a long time, largely been associated with computer programming. We can smell the existence of the hacker culture since the 1960s when a series of practical jokes happened at MIT.

People calling themselves hackers try to demonstrate their intellectual capabilities through their activities having some hack value. And it includes doing what other people think is impossible.
As far as the definition is concerned, the Jargon File documents it as “A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and stretching their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary.”
Also known as the hacker’s dictionary, the jargon file can’t be thought of as some official glossary for tech terms but has had its own level of influence since it came into existence.
You might be wanting to add something, drop your thoughts and feedback.

How To Get Google Assistant On Your Android Phone Right Now

Earlier this month, Google started rolling out Google Assistant on millions of Android smartphones. For those who don’t know, Google assistant was first released in October 2016 with its new Pixel and Pixel XL smartphone. Back then, Google firmly said that Google Assistant will be limited to Pixel phones, but it isn’t the case anymore.

Google Assistant could be seen as an advanced and more refined version of Google Now. Now it’s available on any Android device that’s running Android Marshmallow or Android Nougat. So, how to get Android Assistant on your Android smartphone right now? In the steps mentioned below, I’ll be outlining the complete method in simple points.

Get Android Assistant On Your Android Phone

1. Make sure that your phone is compatible

As said above, your smartphone must be running Android 6.0 Marshmallow or Android 7.0 Nougat. This is the primary requirement for getting and enabling Google Assistant on your smartphone. Just in case you’re running some older version, or you’ve grabbed the new version via ROM flashing, you may not be able to use Google Assistant.

2. Update Google Play Services App

For enabling Google Assistant on your device, the Google Play Services on your Android OS must be updated to the version 10.2.98 or later.
If the Google Play Services is older on your phone, you’ll have to wait for the automatic update. Or, you can grab the latest APK from here.

3. Update Google App to the latest version

Your Google App too must be running the latest version. Go to Google Play Store and update your Google App. I was able to enable Google Assistant using the Google App version

4. Make sure that your device language is English (US)

As Google Assistant isn’t rolling out globally, make sure that your phone’s language is set to English (US). To do so, under the Device Settings, find Language & Input and make appropriate changes.

5. Clear cache of apps

The next step involves clearing the cache of Google App and Google Play Services apps. After this change, your phone is ready to use Google Assistant.

6. Launch Google Assistant

Now, all you need to do is simply tap and hold the Home Button of your Android smartphone. Doing so will show you a popup asking you to get started with Google Assistant on your Android smartphone.

7. It’s time to explore and try new things

There are some important settings and options that you need to explore. You can choose the Gmail account associated with Google Assistant, explore Settings, and learn more about Google Assistant’s capabilities under the option “What can you do?”

Well, that’s it. Now get Google Assistant on your Android phone and start using it.
Did you find this Google Assistant tutorial on Android 6.0 and 7.0 helpful? Don’t forget to share your queries.