A promiscuous and unruly mother has done the unthinkable by punching and urinating on police officers after she was found nude in her sugar daddy's home.
Jennifer Cael
An irresponsible mum who allegedly abandoned her child while she got drunk has been accused of attacking and urinating on cops who found her naked with her "sugar daddy".
The woman identified as Jennifer Cael, 34, is said to have left her youngster with strangers in the lobby of her apartment building in Florida, telling them she didn't care if they called the police, reports The Mirror.
Officers were called but were unable to find Cael at her Daytona Beach flat, reports the Orlando Sentinel. But, neighbours told cops the wayward mum was drunk and may have gone to another resident's home - who was described as Cael's "sugar daddy", according to the police report.
When police got into the man's home, they found Cael nude and intoxicated. As she approached, she punched one of the cops in the chest and urinated on them was they tried to place her in handcuffs. She is now charged with child neglect and resisting an officer with violence, the police report states.
Her bail from Volusia County Branch Jail was set at $15,000.
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